Monday, 24 June 2013

Not much happening

Winter is in full swing and not much else is happening at the moment. I have a few projects on the go during this down time but everything seems to be happening so slowly.

What do these seemingly random pieces of carbon fibre -
and this website have to do with my F109's? Details as they happen.

With not much else to do and despite advice against it, I've decided to revive my old Schumacher Mission as a temporary car to get some extra racing in F1 deprived Toowoomba. Based on an idea seen by chance on a British forum it will become an Mi1.5, using parts from the Mi1, Mi4 and a few other cars as well! Sourcing parts has been difficult mostly because freight costs are quite scary at the moment, but the first modifications are well underway.

More as things actually happen.